Prof. Dong Ming

Tianjin University, China

Prof. Dong Ming is the Chair Professor of the Department of Biomedical Engineering of TJU, the director of the Tianjin Neural Engineering Center, the director of Academy of Medical Engineering and Translational Medicine and the Chair of IEEE-EMBS Tianjin Chapter; Award winner of National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars; Award winner of the first National Science Foundation for Excellent Young Scholars; Young and Middle-Aged Leading Talents of Science and Technology Innovation, Ministry of Science and Technology of China; Expert funded with State Council Government Special Allowance; Director of Intelligent Medical Engineering, Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Education of China; Director of Tianjin Brain Science and Brain-Like Research Center; Life Member of IFESS; Chairman of youth working committee of Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering; Deputy Editor in Chief of International Journal of Biomedical Engineering. Prof. Ming has been authorized for more than 80 patents and software works, and several international patents under PCT. Several of his research papers has been selected as TOP Cited Paper Award for IOP Publishing, Highlight for JNE, Highly Accessed for JNER and Cover papers of IEEE TBME etc., several papers were reported by Nature and Science in special issues. Relevant achievements were selected into the 13th Five-Year Scientific and Technological Innovation Achievement Exhibition.


Prof. Hideaki Haneishi

Chiba University, Japan

Hideaki Haneishi received his BS degree from the University of Electro-Communications in 1985 and received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, in 1987 and 1990, respectively. He joined Chiba University as a Research Associate in 1990. While continuing his career in Chiba University, he was invited as a Visiting Research Scientist at the Department of Radiology, University of Arizona, from October 1995 to July 1996. He is currently a Full Professor and the Director at the Center for Frontier Medical Engineering (CFME), Chiba University. He has published more than 150 papers in refereed journals with more than 3900 citations (Google Scholar). His research interests include spectral imaging, biomedical optics, image reconstruction and motion picture analysis in medical field. Prof Haneishi has been expanding and strengthening his international research network while serving as PI of the Core-to-Core Program named ^International Network of Multi-modal Medical Engineering for Precision Medicine ̄ (2017-2022) adopted by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). In this program, researchers from Finland, China, Canada, Thailand, USA, France and New Zealand study together for collaboration. He is also an active member of Chiba Central Toastmasters Club, a branch of Toastmasters International, a nonprofit educational organization aimed at public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs.

Prof. Jimmy Liu

Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Jimmy Liu graduated from the Department of Computer Science of the University of Science and Technology of China in 1988. He further obtained his master and doctoral degrees in Computer Science from the National University of Singapore. In 2004, he started and grew the Intelligent Medical Imaging Research Team (iMED Singapore), focusing on ocular Artificial Intelligence research. Jimmy was the chairman of the IEEE Singapore Biomedical Engineering Society in Singapore before moving to China. In March 2016, Jimmy moved to China and became the founding institute director of the Cixi Institute of Biomedical Engineering (CIBE) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He further founded the iMED China Ningbo team in CIBE focusing on ocular image AI research. In February 2019, he joined the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the Southern University of Science and Technology and established iMED China Shenzhen continue to focus on ocular AI image AI research. Right now, iMED China team are devoting themselves to eye-brain imaging, ocular imaging, ocular precision medicine, and ocular surgical robotics 4 research areas.

Prof. Ruikang Wang

University of Washington, USA

Dr. Wang is a professor of bioengineering and ophthalmology at the University of Washington. He also holds the prestigious positions of George and Martina Kren Endowed Chair In Ophthalmology Research and WRF/David and Nancy Auth Endowed Innovator of Bioengineering. His current research interests include biophotonics and imaging, optical coherence tomography and their applications in ophthalmology, neuroscience, dermatology and cancer. Dr Wang has published over 500 peer reviewed journal articles. He is an elected fellow of Optica, SPIE and AIMBE. He is also the Editor in Chief for Biomedical Optics Express, an Optica Publishing Group journal.



Prof. Syoji Kobashi

University of Hyogo, Japan

Syoji Kobashi received BE in 1995, ME in 1997, and Doctor of Engineering in 2000, all from Himeji institute of Technology. He was an assistant professor at Himeji Institute of Technolog (2000-2004), an associate professor (2005-2016), currently a professor (2016-) and the manager of advanced medical engineering research center (2016-), University of Hyogo. And, he was a guest associate professor at Osaka University, WPI immunology frontier research center (2010-2016), and was a visiting scholar at University of Pennsylvania (2011-2012). His research interests include medical image understanding and artificial intelligence. He received 16 international awards, including Lifetime Achievement Award (WAC, 2016), Franklin V. Taylor Memorial Award (IEEE-SMCS, 2009). He has been serving on Program Chair of WAC2020, and many others. Moreover, he is an editor-at-large of Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing journal, an editor-in-chief of International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences, etc. He is the senior member of IEEE.

Prof. Xia Wu

Beijing Normal University, China

Dr. Xia Wu is presently the professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Artificial Intelligence and the State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning of Beijing Normal University. She has been engaged in intelligent algorithms exploration based on brain imaging data, neural feedback, brain disease diagnosis and prediction. Dr. Wu has published nearly 100 research papers on top journals and conferences, such as IEEE TNNLS, NeuroImage, Human Brain Mapping, Medical Image Analysis, IPMI, MICCAI and etc. She was supported by the Excellent Youth Foundation of NSFC, and won the first prize of Wu Wen Jun AI Science & Technology Award and the second prize of Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education as the first accomplisher.



Prof. David Zhang, RSC Fellow, IEEE Fellow and IAPR Fellow

Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), China

David Zhang graduated in Computer Science from Peking University. He received his MSc in 1982 and his PhD in 1985 in both Computer Science from the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), respectively. From 1986 to 1988 he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Tsinghua University and then an Associate Professor at the Academia Sinica, Beijing. In 1994 he received his second PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. He has been a Chair Professor at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University where he is the Founding Director of Biometrics Research Centre (UGC/CRC) supported by the Hong Kong SAR Government since 2005. Currently he is Presidential Chair Professor in Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen). Over past 30 years, he have been working on pattern recognition, image processing and biometrics, where many research results have been awarded and some created directions, including medical biometrics and palmprint recognition, are famous in the world. So far, he has published over 20 monographs, 500 international journal papers and 40 patents from USA/Japan/HK/China. He has been continuously listed as a Highly Cited Researchers in Engineering by Clarivate Analytics during 2014-2020. He is also ranked about 80 with H-Index 120 at Top 1,000 Scientists for international Computer Science and Electronics. Recently Professor Zhang has been selected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. He also is a Croucher Senior Research Fellow, Distinguished Speaker of the IEEE Computer Society, and an IEEE Life Fellow and an IAPR Fellow.


Prof. Yen-Wei Chen

Ritsumeikan University, Japan

Yen-Wei Chen received the B.E. degree in 1985 from Kobe Univ., Kobe, Japan, the M.E. degree in 1987, and the D.E. degree in 1990, both from Osaka Univ., Osaka, Japan. He was a research fellow with the Institute for Laser Technology, Osaka, from 1991 to 1994. From Oct. 1994 to Mar. 2004, he was an associate Professor and a professor with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Univ. of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan. He is currently a professor with the college of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University, Japan. He is the founder and the first director of Center of Advanced ICT for Medicine and Healthcare, Ritsumeikan University. He is also an adjunct professor with the College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University, and Zhejiang Lab, China. He was a visiting professor with the Oxford University, Oxford, UK in 2003 and a visiting professor with Pennsylvania State University, USA in 2010. His research interests include medical image analysis, computer vision and computational intelligence. He has published more than 300 research papers in a number of leading journals and leading conferences including IEEE Trans. Image Processing, IEEE Trans. SMC, Pattern Recognition. He has received many distinguished awards including ICPR2012 Best Scientific Paper Award, 2014 JAMIT Best Paper Award, Outstanding Chinese Oversea Scholar Fund of Chinese Academy of Science. He is/was a leader of numerous national and industrial research projects.

Conference Secretary: Ms. Ruby He
